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Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread

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Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread Empty Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread

Post by Emperordmb Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:13 pm

Respect the most powerful beings in the Star Wars Mythos
High King Droogie

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Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread Empty Re: Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread

Post by Emperordmb Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:17 pm

The Ones
The Ones are more powerful with the Force than ANY other beings Jedi have encountered before ever.
"Mystery on Mortis! Sent to discover the origin of a mysterious distress call, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano are stranded on a distant planet. There, they discover three beings more powerful with the Force than any Jedi have seen before."-Star Wars The Clone Wars: Altar of Mortis

The Nightsisters worship the Ones as their deities, even and especially ones like Mother Talzin, who are strong enough to throw down with Sidious when on Dathomir.
"Our abilities were bestowed by the spirits. The Winged Goddess and the Fanged God bestow the passive and aggressive energies that animate every creature and allow each to draw breath."-Book of Sith: Wild Power

Many Jedi consider the Ones all-powerful.
"The three all powerful beings of Mortis can assume strange shapes and exemplify the dark side, the light side, and the principle of balance."-Book of Sith: The Science of Creating Life

The Ones were unspeakably powerful and God-like force wielders.
"During the Clone Wars, an immense monolith appeared in the Chrelythiumn system, broadcasting an ancient Jedi distress code. Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano investigated the kilometers-wide artifact, and were drawn into a paradise realm inhabited by unspeakably powerful Force-wielders. These god-like beings were locked in an eternal struggle for dominance, which made Mortis the fulcrum of the entire galaxy and the Force." Mortis Entry

Last edited by Emperordmb on Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:13 am; edited 1 time in total
High King Droogie

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Age : 26
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Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread Empty Re: Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread

Post by Emperordmb Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:35 pm

High King Droogie

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Age : 26
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Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread Empty Re: Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread

Post by Emperordmb Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:38 pm

Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread Abeloth
Respect the Bringer of Chaos

Force Abilities
Force Strength
Abeloth was almighty in the Force.
"Silly child, Ship said to her. You are strong in the Force-but strong is nothing compared with almighty."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth held power beyond mortal comprehension.
"Abeloth was no castaway, no mere woman marooned here for thirty years. She was much more-a manifestation of an ancient power so dark and hideous it was beyond human comprehension. Against such a being, how could Lady Rhea resist being a thrall? How could anyone? The only reason Vestara was still alive, she felt certain, was that it amused Abeloth to watch her struggling to remain sane."-FOTJ: Abyss

Sith Master Xal believed the council would bathe the survivors search party in glory for discovering a being as powerful as Abeloth.
"To the surprise of everyone except Lady Rhea, even Yuvar Xal had readily embraced this plan. In fact, he had proclaimed that all of the survivors would be bathed in glory when the Circle learned of Abeloth's power."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth was so powerful that Luke needed every advantage possible going after her.
"Luke sighed. He needed every advantage he could in going after Abeloth—that much had been made excruciatingly clear."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth was so powerful Luke thought it would be a better idea to have a larger number of Sith teamed up with him.
"Luke said nothing. He wasn't sure if fewer Sith was a good or a bad thing. Abeloth was powerful, and she was dangerous. They might need everyone they could get."-FOTJ: Allies

Mara Jade considered Abeloth powerful and dangerous.
"You couldn't have. She is ancient, and powerful, and dangerous. Very dangerous."-FOTJ: Allies

Vestara Khai considers Abeloth very powerful and doesn't think the large Sith strike team and the Skywalkers can defeat her in a straight fight.
"But she's ancient, and very powerful. The only way is if we can trick her, somehow."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth was a greater opponent than the entire lost tribe of the Sith.
"The first thread was a lost tribe of Sith from the forgotten world of Kesh. They were building a powerful war fleet, one made more powerful by the dark strength of every warrior serving their armada. Yet there was an even greater opponent- the mysterious entity known as Abeloth."-The Essential Guide to Warfare

According to Jaina, Abeloth has power like a nova has light.
“They’re Sith,” Jaina reminded him. “All that matters to them is power, and Abeloth had power like a nova has light."-FOTJ: Vortex

Luke knew he and Ben would need a lot of help to defeat Abeloth.
"He was fairly certain that Abeloth had gone into hiding there, and when he and Ben flushed her into the open, they were going to need help destroying her—a lot of help."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth had a dozen times Luke's strength in the force.
"It was no good. Abeloth had a dozen times the Force strength Luke had, and he could do no more than keep her from crushing his throat."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth used the Force with greater strength than Luke ever did.
"Abeloth." Luke repressed a sigh. "She's here. Somewhere. Experimenting. Using the Force with greater strength than I ever did, certainly."-FOTJ: Conviction

Abeloth's presence had a huge impact on the force and Sith winced at the pain emanating from her.
"Even though it was only a comm signal, Khai felt the impact of her presence in the Force. There was rage in her eyes, rage and pain. Whatever the Jedi had done to her on Nam Chorios, clearly she was still feeling it. Khai saw some of his Sith bridge officers wincing under the power of her hurt."-FOTJ: Conviction

Abeloth was more powerful than anybody the master of the Sith Temple had ever seen.
“Stronger than anyone we have ever heard of.” That was quite a statement, coming from the Master of the Sith Temple. Few on Kesh had as extensive a knowledge of the Sith’s past—and now their present as they expanded across the stars—as this deceptively mild, dark-skinned, middle-aged human."-FOTJ: Ascension

One of the High Lords heard that Abeloth possessed powers they couldn't imagine.
“We will take her, and use her, and discard her when we are done. But for love of the dark side, let us take her first! Listen to High Lord Yur! Think what we can learn! From all that we have heard, she has powers we cannot imagine!”-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth's power was more vast than anything Sith Saber Gavar Khai had ever seen, and it was enough to make him question his otherwise fierce loyalty to the Sith.
"He had always been fiercely loyal to his people, but his experiences with Abeloth had also opened his eyes to the vast power she could wield."-FOTJ: Ascension

Gavar Khai considered the notion that Abeloth was more powerful than the entire Lost Tribe of the Sith
"Yet … this could be a good thing. If she were, indeed, more powerful than the Lost Tribe—"-FOTJ: Ascension

Gavar Khai considered Abeloth to be far more powerful than the Jedi.
“We have dissolved our alliance with the Jedi”—Khai said the word as if it left a bad taste in his mouth—“and have allied with a far superior being."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth was capable of unleashing inconceivable amounts of force energy.
"Her anguish used the Force as a weapon, as she had so often before, but this time she was barely aware that she was releasing nearly inconceivable amounts of Force energy upon a city that was completely unprepared for it."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth was powerful enough to be capable of destroying Sith Saber Gavar Khai with a thought.
"She could destroy him with a thought."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth had unimaginable power.
"Abeloth was something beyond Wynn's understanding, a monster of unimaginable power and capable of unthinkable evil, and he had been a fool to think he could play her."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Thuruht believes that unless they stop Abeloth, she will cause a galactic apocalypse.
"Thuruht seems convinced that the galaxy is about to perish. She keeps saying that the end of time has come."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Raynar Thul feared Abeloth more than anything else, even becoming a Joiner again.
"Second, if he stayed with Thuruht much longer, all of the counteragents and filters aboard the Long Trek would not prevent him from becoming a Joiner again-and there was only one thing in the galaxy that Raynar feared more than losing his identity to a Killik hive again. That thing was Abeloth."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth was powerful enough to make the Father step in and protect the Son and Daughter from her.
"The third panel depicted the arcade complex again, this time with a much-changed Abeloth standing in the heart of a stormy courtyard. Her hair had grown coarse and long, her nose had flattened until it was practically gone, and her sparkling eyes had grown so sunken and dark that all that could be seen of them were the twinkles. She was raising her arms toward a cowering Daughter and a glowering Son, with long tentacles lashing from where her fingers should have been. Stepping forward to shield them was a furious Father, one hand pointing toward the swamp at the open end of the temple, the other reaching out to intercept her tentacled fingers."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

The first time Abeloth had escaped, her power had grown to the point where she assimilated entire planets.
"After hurrying through two more archways, Thuruht finally stopped before a set of panels depicting three devastated worlds. In the first, an entire city lay in ruins. There were fungi rising from the rubble, and a drove of three-eyed bipeds could be seen fleeing a horde of tentacled felines. The second relief showed scores of dazed woodland creatures struggling through a blast-flattened forest, many fighting in vain to escape the fangvines wrapped around their legs. The third scene was the most gruesome of all. It was an ocean world with flocks of seabirds hovering over floating islands of moldy flesh. Hanging in the sky of each world was a female face with a gaping, fang-filled smile that stretched from one ear to another."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth's power was so great that the Son and Daughter teamed up to stop her.
"The Brother and the Sister, Thuruht explained, still speaking inside Raynar's head. Abeloth is the only thing capable of bringing them together. It angers them to see her destroy civilizations they have spent millennia cultivating."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth's power was beyond the level of Sidious or Vader.
"You're still thinking on a mortal scale, like Vader or Palpatine. Think bigger, like a storm or a tide. Like a living Force volcano."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth had power almost beyond Luke's comprehension.
"This thing-this entity-had powers almost beyond comprehension."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth switched bodies with Dyon Stadd.
"They switched bodies," Vestara said. "I don't understand how, but they did." Ben turned his head toward her voice and found her standing next to the pyre, using the Force to levitate the corpse over which they had been fighting. The bloody shroud had been torn away during the tug-of-war, and now he could see that the corpse was not Abeloth's at all. In fact, it wasn't even female. "This isn't Abeloth," Vestara continued. She floated the corpse toward Taalon, and Ben found himself looking at a much-battered, but still recognizable male face. "It's Dyon Stadd!"-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth body snatched Akanah
"Luke turned and found Akanah standing in the door of the gathering hall. Her hair was hanging loose and waving about her shoulders, as though
caught by a breeze that was not blowing, and there was a darkness in her eyes that seemed to rise from the depths of time itself. Her gaze shifted from Taalon to Luke, and she smiled, revealing a mouthful of small sharp teeth."
-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth could assimilate people.
"Luke spoke of Abeloth, her ability to absorb others whole and take on their knowledge and identities, her desire to extend her very nature throughout the galaxy, her bleakness."-FOTJ: Conviction

Abeloth Assimilated Rokari Kem.
"Rokari Kem. He blinked, utterly disbelieving. Surely he was still unconscious. “Wynn Dorvan,” Roki purred. “I confess, this is a surprise. But a happy one. You have served two Chiefs of State. And, I think, others, that we do not know about. Yet.” Still smiling, she bent down and cupped his battered face in her hand, turning his head up to face her. “You know things, don’t you? Things that may prove very useful to me. Do be sure, Wynn, that I will learn what you know, who you know, what you have seen … one way or another. I may even permit you to live … if you learn to love me.” Her smile, beautiful and sweet and kind and an utter lie, widened. And widened. It stretched across her face, too large for it, nearly reaching her ears. Her skin paled, her eyes began to sink back into their sockets. Her hair turned from blue-green and shiny to pale yellow, growing long, longer, all the way down to her feet. The hand that grasped his chin in a grip that would not release became slick, tiny tentacles forcing him to stare into her eyes. Eyes that looked like tiny stars in a black hole."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth assimilated Lydea Pagorski.
"When he had suggested that Lydea Pagorski be released to build goodwill with the Empire, the Beloved Queen of the Stars had destroyed the poor woman and taken over her body."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth assimilated Sith High Lady Korelei.
"When he glanced back, he found Korelei's oval eyes watching him with the same cold emptiness he had often seen in those of the Beloved Queen. His stomach began to churn with a queasy terror as a pair of silver flickers appeared in the depths of her gaze. Her smile grew as wide as her face. All her teeth suddenly seemed to be fangs, and a relentless tide of despair welled up inside Wynn. He knew what he was seeing. The Beloved Queen of the Stars had taken a third body."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth assimilated the Jedi Temple Computer Core.
"Wynn sprang away from the equipment bank, moving faster and leaping farther than he would have believed possible, and landed beyond the chairs. He spun around, already knowing what he would see... and he saw it: a face of pure radiance, the size of a bantha and as wispy as a cloud, floating out in the darkness of the computer core. She appeared vaguely human, with a long cascade of coarse yellow hair and tiny, deep-sunken eyes that shone from their sockets like stars at the bottom of a well. She had a nose so small it was almost absent, and a large, full-lipped mouth so broad that it reached from ear to ear Abeloth."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

The first time Abeloth had escaped, she assimilated entire planets.
"After hurrying through two more archways, Thuruht finally stopped before a set of panels depicting three devastated worlds. In the first, an entire city lay in ruins. There were fungi rising from the rubble, and a drove of three-eyed bipeds could be seen fleeing a horde of tentacled felines. The second relief showed scores of dazed woodland creatures struggling through a blast-flattened forest, many fighting in vain to escape the fangvines wrapped around their legs. The third scene was the most gruesome of all. It was an ocean world with flocks of seabirds hovering over floating islands of moldy flesh. Hanging in the sky of each world was a female face with a gaping, fang-filled smile that stretched from one ear to another."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth pulled Vestara and several other Sith in the direction of her planet.
"The thing was rooted inside her now, pulling her toward it almost physically-no, not almost. She could feel it actually drawing her into the railing, using the Force to drag her deeper into the abyss. Then a collective gasp went up from the rest of the crew, and Vestara knew they felt it, too."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth casually dominated Ahri and Vestara with Telekinesis.
"Suddenly Ahri was slamming into the cavern wall behind Vestara, his lightsaber no longer burning. His head struck with a sickening thud. Vestara watched in horror as he dropped twitching to the floor, then ignited her own blade and leapt to the attack. In the next instant she found herself hanging in the darkness, holding a deactivated lightsaber and staring into a pair of large gray eyes as cold and lifeless as pearls. Suddenly Vestara had another foolish notion as to the reason Ship might have led them here-one that frightened her far more than all the others. Perhaps Ship had brought them here not to destroy the Tribe, but to free the Destructors. The woman lowered her hand, sending Vestara crashing to the floor of the cavern."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth completely froze Dyon Stadd in place.
"He stood frozen in place as securely as if his feet had rooted there. He couldn't move, couldn't pull back, couldn't cry out in pain or in warning, for now he suddenly realized that this being was not what he had thought, was not what she—was it even a she?—had pretended to be."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth casually force choked Vestara Khai.
"Abeloth was still staring at Ben, and as he raced toward her, she smiled, and flicked three of the tiny tentacles that served as fingers. Beside Ben, Vestara's eyes flew wide as something seized her by the throat, lifted her two meters off the ground, and shook her. She dropped her lightsaber, one hand going to her throat attempting to pry off the invisible fingers, the other hand outstretched, fingers splayed hard."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth unleashed a force wave, ragdolling Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, High Lord Sarasu Taalon, two Sith Sabers, and Vestara Khai, while weakened by a force web weaved by hundreds of Nightsisters and under Luke's ferocious assault.
"A sudden shock wave hurled Ben into the sky. He felt paralyzed for a second, unable to use the Force to direct his fall, and landed hard. He blacked out briefly, and when he came to he heard shouting. Ben got to his feet, grabbing his lightsaber from where it had fallen. Abeloth was gone. He realized, as everyone else did, what must have happened. She had gathered her strength to send out a powerful Force shock, to throw her attackers off her briefly, and disappeared."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth brought Luke's charge to an abrupt with a telekinetic barrier.
"It was like hitting a wall of solid Force energy. One moment, he was hurling himself forward, reaching out to coordinate with Ben. The next, he was standing motionless, head spinning and ears ringing, watching Abeloth stumbling out the front door of the hall."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth could fly.
"At last, slowly, like a creature awakening from slumber, Ship’s “eye” grew transparent, and then opened. Abeloth floated out. She did not need a dais, and wore no heavy robes. She wore, indeed, seemingly very little, which somehow managed to cover her more than modestly; a diaphanous draping that caught the breeze and fluttered just so. She had chosen her golden-haired female form, with wise gray eyes, and a slight smile was on her lips. She lifted her arms and tilted her head, and the breeze played with her flowing fair locks as she floated gently to the ground."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth could fly to cover a distance.
"Abeloth smiled prettily, then floated—she did not even need to leap—to stand beside him."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth destroyed Tahv and several Sith that lived in it with waves of telekinetic energy.
"Abeloth screamed from a mouth that slashed her face in two. Unable to retain her form, unable even to notice that she had not retained her form, she thrashed and howled as tentacles erupted from her torso and her face shifted like melting wax. Her anguish used the Force as a weapon, as she had so often before, but this time she was barely aware that she was releasing nearly inconceivable amounts of Force energy upon a city that was completely unprepared for it. There were several dozen beings within immediate range, some sleeping quietly in their beds. Most were with their families. They imploded. Farther away, others awoke in agony as their bodies were turned inside out and chunks were ripped from their bones. The entire city was attacked by a wind filled with glass shards, each a shikkar driven by a single purpose—to hurt anyone, anything, living inside the City of Glass. They were the Lost Tribe—they would suffer, all of them, as their leader had made her suffer. The shards melted as they pierced flesh, spreading white-hot, painful death. The buildings, made of metal and glass, dripped slowly toward the ground, smothering those unfortunate enough to be dwelling inside them."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth was flying through the air in her Korelei avatar.
"From the back, the Sith she-voork appeared to be floating more than running."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth casually redirected Boba Fett's full arsenal of explosives with the force.
"And the mini rockets she simply Force-nudged off-course, sending them streaking past to explode harmlessly against the wall."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth casually ragdolled Jaina Solo.
"Abeloth's hand flicked, and Jaina found herself tumbling down the duct backward. She saw the dark rectangle of a stack-head flash past beneath her; she slammed down and rolled twice before she could finally use the Force to bring herself to a stop. She came up on her knees, facing back the way she had come, and saw Abeloth leaping across the pit toward her."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth casually knocked one blast boat into another.
"Abeloth merely flicked her wrist. The rear blastboat tumbled into the leader's exhaust stream, and the plume of superheated ions melted through the nose armor. The Force lurched with a sudden terror, then both craft vanished inside a cloud of detonating ordnance."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Nature Control/Environmental Manipulation
Abeloth could keep the plantlife from attacking the Sith on the planet in the maw.
"When Abeloth was near, the plants never attacked."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth controls all of the plantlife on the world in the Maw.
"The world is very hostile, completely unnatural. The animals thrive by photosynthesis, and the plants prey upon them." She gave Ben and Luke a half-smile. "Keeps you on your toes." "And Abeloth controls everything," Luke surmised. "She does."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth caused plantlife to attack Vestara Khai.
"At the same moment, a thick white root, tipped with finger-length barbs, shot out of the ground. The roots, capped with a thick green spike, twisted around Vestara, then reared back like a snake about to strike. Vestara's eyes darted to the spike and she yanked in her hand, folding her arm over her chest as the spikes struck home a second time."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth's presence on a planet caused deadly plantlife to form.
"And then she heard it: the soft buphoot of a puff-fungus expelling its spores. Vespara clamped her mouth shut and exhaled through her nose, then Force-sprang three paces backward. She ignited her lightsaber. As she had expected, before her was a slender, knee-high mushroom with a web of sticky feeder-threads draping out of a freshly burst cap, still engulfed in its yellow cloud of paralyzing spores. Just beyond was the mouth of a tunnel about three meters high. The passage had probably been completely round before the yorik coral had taken hold, but now it was more of a lopsided oval. Two more of the deadly fungi stood just inside the tunnel mouth, their caps not yet swollen enough to explode. Vestara spun in a slow circle, using her lightsaber to illuminate the surrounding area. She was standing on a large platform that ended at the mouth of the tunnel. In the small area that she could see, there were at least six more fungi, along with several large patches of gray moss. The mosses were probably acid mats, which enwrapped anything that stepped on them. Lying just at the edge of the light, she saw a large gray cocoon. The half-meter-long tail of a giant slashrat trailed out of the end, and where it entered the cocoon, the flesh had been eaten to the bone. Vestara's heart sank. She had seen such things before, and she knew exactly what they meant. Abeloth had come to Coruscant."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth's presence caused violent plantlife to grow.
"As Tahiri continued to walk, the cleanliness of the tunnel began to fade. Three hundred meters in, dark spots of mildew began to appear along the walls. At four hundred meters, the plastoid had turned dark with growth, and the fungus was starting to form mounds. By five hundred meters, she was picking her way past stalks of meter-high fungi and ducking under dangling curtains of moss. Though she had never visited a world where Abeloth held sway, she had spoken to enough Jedi to know what she was seeing-and how cautious she needed to be around the strange flora."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth caused a volcano to form on Coruscant.
"Ah-Abeloth is angry," Vestara said, following Ben's gaze. As she studied the scene, the rumble deepened and grew more audible, and Ship began to sway on its struts. She did not speak again for a second or two, then the entire reception hall started to shake and the wrecked entry began to drop rubble. "The people of Coruscant have disappointed the Beloved Queen. Now they will feel her wrath." Ben began to have a very bad feeling about what was happening. "A groundquake?" Vestara turned back to him, her mouth twisted into a smile that seemed more frightened than cruel. "The groundquakes are just the beginning, you fool," she said. "The volcano will be the true punishment."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth could make herself appear beautiful to the Lost Tribe of the Sith and conceal her true nature.
"Abeloth looked lovely and more or less human, but today her hair was brown and long instead of honey-colored and shoulder-length, as it had been when Vestara and Ahri had found her in her cave. Her nose was also a bit longer and straighter than usual, and her eyes were a bit more silver than gray, with a definite upward slant at the outer corners. Abeloth's face changed like that, seeming to take hints from the appearance of anyone with whom she spent time. And somehow it only served to make her more enchanting, as though each new detail deepened the luster of her beauty. So enraptured by her radiance was Vestara that she did not realize Lady Rhea had begun speaking until Ahri nudged her."-FOTJ: Abyss

Luke would've had difficulty penetrating Abeloth's illusions.
"Given how easily he was penetrating this illusion, it seemed unlikely to be Abeloth’s doing."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth drove Gavar Khai insane with illusions.
"As she spoke, Gavar Khai's gaze dropped to Eliya's cleaved body, and his eyes widened with horror. He brought his blade up and began to slash at the air, pivoting an dodging as though he were in combat. Twice, he cringed as though he had taken a blow. Each time, a deep, anguished sigh gusted from his mouth, and his movements grew less confident and energetic. He began to flinch more quickly and retreat, his motions becoming awkward and slow, his posture stooped and elderly. Finally, Khai simply turned his back on the corpse and, screaming, began to totter away. Had his daughter not flicked a hand in his direction and buckled his knees with a Force blast, he might have kept going until he left the village - and perhaps even the island. As it was, he simply covered his head and lay on the ground wailing - an embarrassment that caused his daughter to render him unconscious with a second Force blast."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth drove the rest of the Sith on Pydyr insane with illusions as well, aside from Taalon and Vestara.
"Before Taalon could reply, Sith all over the village began to scream and hack at the air. Sometimes they hit Fallanassi, sometimes they hit a tree fern or a fungus-covered hut, occasionally they even hit one another—but most of the time they struck nothing at all. Still, they universally began to cringe and wince as though taking blows, and within seconds they began to retreat into defensive squares that did nothing at all to diminish their panic. Luke glanced over at Ben and was relieved to see that Akanah had spared his son—and Vestara—from her illusion. He signaled them to come and stand with him and Taalon, who also seemed to be free of the deception. Then he withdrewhis presence from the White Current, just far enough to see the illusion to which the Sith were reacting. It appeared the Sith were being swarmed by translucent green figures. These phantasms had ghastly, distorted faces and thin tentacles lashing from their fingertips, and every couple of seconds one of them would belch a cloud of brown vapor into the face of a warrior. The victim would age a dozen years in a heartbeat, the face wrinkling and the posture growing more stooped. But it was the tentacles that were the most gruesome. They would shoot out from the ghost’s fingertips to lodge themselves in the eyeballs or nostrils or ears of an intruder. What looked like thumb-sized drops of dark Force energy would pulse down the tentacles, and with each globule, the phantasm seemed to growa bit more solid and real looking. As the ghosts grew more opaque, they stopped belching brown fumes and started to spew flame. Before long, there appeared to be wildfires springing up everywhere, driving the Sith toward the edges of the village, screaming and stumbling just as Gavar Khai had done. Within seconds, the fastest Sith had reached a lostone wall that separated part of the village from a thousand-meter plunge to the sea. When Luke sathe first warrior vault over the wall and drop screaming out of sight, all doubt about the woman before him vanished. No Adept of the White Current would have used her art to kill any being so casually. Luke immersed himself within the Current again. The scene before him changed from horror to simple madness, with the Fallanassi standing pressed against their huts while the Sith flailed at empty air and rolled in the moss, trying to smother flames that did not exist. Whether the Adepts were contributing to the illusion or just standing aside while Abeloth alone tormented the intruders, Luke could not say. But it seemed clear to him that the Fallanassi were under Abeloth’s influence, or they never would have permitted the White Current to be defiled in this way."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth could change her appearance at will.
"Abeloth was very attractive, and most appealing. All present, even the throngs of observers crowding the capital city, knew that she was able to shift her shape. It was a fascinating ability, and Abeloth obviously enjoyed giving demonstrations of it. There were three appearances she seemed to prefer: two human, and one Keshiri. All were female, though Vol was well aware that she could also impersonate a male. She cycled through them as the need arose, judging her audience well: pretty but natural-featured Girl with Brown Hair, cultured and lovely Fair-Haired Woman, and a Keshiri who took even Lord Vol’s breath away, aged as he was and aware—thanks to the reports—of her true appearance."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth used an illusion to make a spectacular entrance.
"Abeloth did not simply make an entrance. She made the perfect entrance. The doors were flung open, and wind rushed in, quite literally ruffling Khai’s cape feathers and disturbing the costumes of several other Sith in the immediate vicinity. The “wind” took on form and color, swirling until it took the shape of a woman seemingly made of ice and air, glittering and beautiful, larger than an ordinary human female, regal and commanding. Her hair was gold, her gown silver, her mask the purest, glistening, icy white. She hovered for a minute, acknowledging the applause, and floated gently as a feather to the stone floor."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth telepathically contacted Allana from deep within the Maw when she was on Kessel.
"I can feel you. The words crept quietly into her mind. Allana almost shrieked. They were not from the tomb. She stared up into the pinkish sky, seeing only the distant sun and a sliver of the former garrison moon. The thought came from there. Who is there? I felt you. Please . . . please . . . There was such a yearning desperation to the words, such a hunger, that Allana wanted to reply, wanted to reassure whoever was there. But caution and fear and a hundred lessons she had learned at her mother's knee kept her from doing so. What is your name? The question sent a tingle of dread down Allana's spine. She had the eerie sensation that if she responded, if she offered her name, it would be snatched away and never returned, leaving her to wander forever not knowing who she was. She hugged herself for warmth and, keeping her head low, reined her senses in. The voice did not return, and a couple of minutes later Allana no longer felt any hint of it. She breathed a sigh of relief."-FOTJ: Outcast

Abeloth created a pulse of Dark Side energy to summon Ship.
"It rocked through them like a wave. Vestara actually stumbled. It was at once almost overpowering and nourishing. Pure dark side energy crackled through the room, piercing their hearts, like an embrace that was welcomed but too tight to be truly comfortable. Vestara extended a hand, as if she could physically reach out and touch whatever it was that was permeating her entire being. She wanted it, ached for it, felt tears suddenly stinging her eyes- And then a rush of joy flooded her. Ship. He was all but singing, a devoted pet racing to his beloved master, following that call of the dark side energy. "No!" cried Vestara. "Ship!" She blinked, recovering as the strange pull suddenly ended. Lady Rhea was staring at her. "Vestara, what is it doing?" Vestara licked lips suddenly gone dry. She felt intensely, terribly bereft. Abandoned, left behind, empty. Her connection with Ship had always been acknowledged as the strongest among any of the Sith. He had contacted her first, and had maintained that level of-intimacy, almost-through the last two years. Now he had left them, left her, without even a twinge of regret or a farewell."-FOTJ: Omen

Abeloth telepathically contacted Ben Skywalker when he was two years old at the Maw.
"Two-year-old Ben reached toward the Shadow with his free hand and his heart, and he sensed his mother and father reaching back. Though he was too young to know he was being touched through the Force, he stopped being afraid, until a dark tentacle of need began to slither up into the aching tear of his abandonment. He thought for an instant that he was just sad about being left behind, but the tentacle grew as real as his breath, and he began to sense in it an alien loneliness as desperate and profound as his own. It wanted to draw him close and keep him safe, to take the place of his parents and never let him be alone again. Terrified and confused, young Ben pulled away, simultaneously drawing in on himself and yanking his hand from the grasp of the silver-haired lady who was holding it."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth telepathically contacted every Sith in a search party, drawing them towards her.
"Instead of Ship, Vestara felt a dark tentacle of need slithering into the void she had created, cold and lonely and hungry for her. It wanted to draw her close and keep her safe, to protect her from Xal and her jealous rivals back on Kesh, from the crewmembers she fought on pirate raids, and from the Jedi with whom the Tribe was preparing to do battle. It wanted her to come to it inside the abyss, to join it in its ancient hiding place, where it could keep her safe...   forever. Terrified and confused, Vestara tried to pull away, drawing in on herself and trying to return her focus to the bridge of the Crusader. It was like trying to pull away from her own intestines. The thing was rooted inside her now, pulling her toward it almost physically-no, not almost. She could feel it actually drawing her into the railing, using the Force to drag her deeper into the abyss. Then a collective gasp went up from the rest of the crew, and Vestara knew they felt it, too."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth telepathically called out to Luke.
"Luke sprang off the floor, then reached out in the Force to counter his angular momentum. As soon as he began to pull himself toward the far side of the chamber, a cold tentacle of longing rose up inside him, urging him to come closer, to surrender to...   what? Luke had no idea, only that its presence felt ancient and powerful and somehow familiar, that it seemed to recognize him and care for him and yearn for his eternal companionship."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth manipulated Luke's feelings with the force on Sinkhole station.
"Immediately the tentacle inside him began to grow stronger and more distinct, filling him with a cold yearning that-alien as it was-reminded him all too much of the lonely ache that he had been living with since Mara's death."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth manipulated the Sith Search party's minds with the force.
"Against such a being, how could Lady Rhea resist being a thrall? How could anyone? The only reason Vestara was still alive, she felt certain, was that it amused Abeloth to watch her struggling to remain sane."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth tricked Luke into thinking her presence was Mara Jade's.
"I think we may have an edge we can use against Abeloth, though. She…seems to have a particular interest in me. I'm not sure why." "In Jedi, or in you in particular?" Ben asked. "Me in particular. She—have you felt any kind of a feminine presence on the ship, Ben?" His son nodded. "Yeah…I thought it was Mom. This being her ship and all, and you and I the only ones on it for a long time. I kind of felt she was looking after us." "I did, too," Luke said. "But I saw Mom in the Lake. And she said it wasn't her." Ben gasped and drew back slightly. He didn't need confirmation on who it actually was. "That's…really creepy, Dad." "I know," Luke said, and grimaced slightly."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth violated Taalon's mind and called forth his greatest fears.
"In that second that was a lifetime, a dozen lifetimes, she had looked inside him, violated him on a level even he, a Sith High Lord, had not imagined was possible, and beheld what it was that Sarasu Taalon feared most. And called it forth. He had been running, running on feet that were blistered and bleeding, running with labored breath and near-exploding heart. And they had been behind him. All the beings whose lives he had taken, or broken, or twisted. All the friends he had betrayed, all the family members he had ordered slain, all the rivals whose loved ones he had tormented, and those loved ones as well who had not even known his face in life. As long as he succeeded, they would not touch him. As long as he won every battle, made no mistakes, spotted every foe, he would be all right. But the minute his foot wavered— His ankle betrayed him, and he fell, hitting the ground upon which he was running hard. Tears, shameful tears of abject terror poured down his purple face as he scrambled to rise. They were upon him, ripping, tearing, biting; their touch freezing and burning. He realized they would not kill him, not at once. They were going to tear him apart piece by tiny piece. And even then the torment would not stop. Abeloth had shown him it wouldn't."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth caused Force Psychosis.
“Their illness was caused by an ancient being named Abeloth,” Leia explained. “She made contact with the Jedi Knights while they were still children, when we were hiding our young ones in the Maw during the war against the Yuuzhan Vong.”-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth controlled the minds of the Fallanassi with the force.
"Whether the Adepts were contributing to the illusion or just standing aside while Abeloth alone tormented the intruders, Luke could not say. But it seemed clear to him that the Fallanassi were under Abeloth’s influence, or they never would have permitted the White Current to be defiled in this way."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth took control of a security station.
"Luke gritted his teeth. Abeloth had somehow assumed control of that NovaGun station, a far-from-impossible task for one Force-user who could marshal others."-FOTJ: Conviction

Abeloth could attack people in their dreams.
"Vol had seen much violence, deceit, ugliness, and brutality in his day. He had seen, and sometimes committed, deeds such as evisceration of the body and torture of the mind through the power of the dark side. He had seen bodies explode into tiny fragments, watched powerfully intelligent people reduced to gibbering idiots when their minds were destroyed thought by thought. And he shrank back in horror now at the monstrosity revealed to him. Before him was a nightmare. Her hair was long, twining tendrils of hideousness, her eyes sunken and yet bright as tiny stars, her mouth widening, widening, until it split her face. She laughed, the tendrils reaching out both physically and in the Force. “Silly Vol,” she said. “To imagine, even for a moment, that anything human could even conceive of the vastness that is Abeloth, let alone trap me for your own tiny-minded purposes. Now you shall die, and your world shall become mine. I shall be unto them Protector and Destructor both, and there is nothing that you or any of your little friends can do to stop me.” The tendrils were on him now, slithering into his mouth, his ears, his nose, caressing in a strangely appealing manner even as he cringed back in loathing. It was a dream, he knew, but it was more than a dream as well."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth's pain caused Grand Lord Vol agony and severely weakened him.
"Her pain exploded and hurled him back, releasing him, but causing the most exquisite agony Vol had ever experienced to race through every part of his being. Vol surged forward out of the dream so quickly that he hurled himself from his bed and landed hard on the floor, where he lay gasping, weak, so weak, sweat-soaked and terrified. He—used to manipulating objects in the Force, leaping great distances, crushing things with a thought—had not the strength of a new-hatched uvak. It was an effort to lift his head, to push himself up off the floor, and the muscles quivered from that simple strain."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth enslaved Gavar Khai and several other Sith to her will.
"She nodded. “I think … she was doing something to him.” “Like with Taalon?” Luke recalled the metamorphosis of High Lord Taalon after he had drunk from the Fountain of Knowledge. He had started to become like Abeloth. “Not that dramatic,” she said. “But … mentally. His mind—he wasn’t the way he used to be. I think that’s why I was able to win against him at all—because he wasn’t as focused. He was so proud of being Sith, so proud of what the Lost Tribe had accomplished. Now he’s—he was—blindly following Abeloth. And if my father succumbed, then I am certain the others did.” She looked away again, swallowing hard. “He was a strong man.”-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth manipulated the minds of the entire senate with the force.
"He grinned, knowing what she would sense, knowing that she was reaching out to everyone in this huge chamber and touching them in the same fashion. Not overtly, just enough to make them believe they agreed with her."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth used her powers to manipulate the minds of the Empire's citizens to substantially increase Daala's popularity.
"After the trouble Abeloth had gone to in running the blockade at Boreleo, it seemed all too likely that she had formed an alliance with Daala and was using her powers to boost Daala's popularity in the Empire-and this discovery certainly supported those suspicions. But it also cast the campaign to elect the admiral in a whole new light. Tahiri could see only one reason for Abeloth to use her powers to guarantee Daala's victory, and that was because she expected the admiral to become her puppet ruler."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth concealed her presence from Luke Skywalker and several Sith.
"I still don't sense her at all," said Luke. "She's deliberately concealing herself."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth fooled Luke into thinking she was Akanah.
"Certain now that he was talking to the real Akanah—and only Akanah—Luke returned his lightsaber to his belt."-FOTJ: Vortex

Force Drain
Abeloth fed on Dyon Stadd's force essence.
"...tiny, slimy tentacles that seemed to thrust into his skull, into his brain, and suck out what they found there. A terrible heat, white hot, seared him there, and he smelled burning flesh. Then his heart spasmed in terror as she moved that hideous, huge mouth closer, closer, until it was touching his own. She pulled back, and a glowing golden mist clung to her lips. The mist grew, mercifully obscuring her face as she extracted - A deep, agonizing groan was ripped from Dyon, hauled from his innermost soul, floating on that golden mist. Every limb, every centimeter, every cell of him was under attack. It was not like the searing, focused pain in his temple; this pain was aching and deep. The pain at his temple changed from white-hot to cold, and it began to enter him. As Abeloth pulled for something - Life energy, she's taking my life essence.... - from his body, she gave in return a dreadful cold. A slithering, dark cold that wrapped around his throat, closing it, then his heart, then his entrails, then seeped implacably into the rest of him. He could feel himself withering up, the desiccation turning him into a living corpse, dried and husklike, as if he had been buried in the sand for centuries."-FOTJ: Allies

Force Defenses
Abeloth causes Vestara's force lightning to change direction midair without even touching it.
"Blue force lightning shot from her palm to dance erratically in the air around her for a moment, not reaching its target. Then, inexorably, the blue lightning began to twist, like heated metal folding, to go back on its creator."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth blocked a force blast from Luke.
"Luke raised a hand, hitting her with a blast of Force energy whose only effect was to hold her back for half a second as she took her next step."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth completely absorbed the explosion of a mine with a force barrier.
"Instead of shredding her and every other Sith within three meters, the blast had simply dissipated into some sort of Force shield that she had flung down."-FOTJ

Abeloth caught a blasterbolt in her hand, literally redirecting it as a blasterbolt at Luke's eyes.
"She remained motionless. Luke fired again. The entity caught the bolt and held it, still burning, in her hand. There was a gaping scorch hole in her cheek where the earlier bolt had exited. Her lavender skin had faded to a blue-tinted alabaster, and when she locked gazes with Luke, her pupils had contracted to mere points of silver light. She smiled, her mouth stretching so wide that it reached from ear to ear, then her arm whipped forward and sent the blaster bolt sizzling straight at Luke's eyes, and he could deny the truth no longer. Abeloth was here."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth blocked Boba Fett's flame throwers with the force.
"The flames she stopped with a shield of Force energy that sent tongues of crimson fire licking in every direction but toward her."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth deflected laser cannon blasts back at blastboats.
"Abeloth's left arm came up so fast that Ben did not even see it move, and the fire from the blaster cannons began to ricochet back toward her attackers."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth teleported away from her opponents mid-duel.
"And even as he watched, Abeloth suddenly was not there. The ring of five enemies was now inadvertently battling one another. Gavar Khai grunted in annoyance as his red blade sliced cleanly through not the monstrous Abeloth, but one of his fellow Sith. Luke had to Force-leap straight up to avoid the blade's follow-through, landing lightly on his feet and looking about for their escaped enemy. Mocking laughter seemed to echo from all directions. They sprang apart, and then there she Was again, at the far end of the courtyard, laughing as the four raced toward her."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth teleported away from her enemies, while weakened by a force web weaved by hundreds of Nightsisters and under Luke's ferocious assault.
"Abeloth was gone. He realized, as everyone else did, what must have happened. She had gathered her strength to send out a powerful Force shock, to throw her attackers off her briefly, and disappeared."-FOTJ: Allies

Force Lightning
Abeloth fended off the lightsaber strikes of five powerful force users with blasts of force lightning.
"Abeloth was surrounded by five powerful Force-users: Luke Skywalker, High Lord Taalon, Saber Gavar Khai, and two others Ben didn't know. It was almost like a dance, with the combatants leaping, somersaulting in midair, tumbling aside. The cries of curses in the musical Keshiri tongue, the unique sound of the sizzle of lightsabers batting back Force lightning, the smell of sulfur all combined to unsettle Ben."-FOTJ: Allies

Abeloth immobilized Luke with Force Lightning.
"His entire body sizzled into the joint-crushing grip of a Force lightning strike. The agony seemed to last forever. Luke could feel his own flesh charring beneath the palm pressed to his chest; he was paralyzed by the lightning, unable to fight free or attack with a head-butt, or even flick his lightsaber blade and finish Korelei. He simply hung paralyzed, one hand clutching her arm, the other pressing the hilt to her chest, wondering how long it would take her to die."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

A single bolt of Abeloth's force lightning left Corran Horn on the ground convulsing, and left residual forks of energy surrounding him.
"Korelei-or whoever, whatever she was-raised an arm, and a powerful bolt of Force lightning crackled down the run. Taken by surprise, Corran screamed and went down, then lay on the duct floor convulsing and shaking, swaddled in dancing forks of blue energy and unable to free himself."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth unleashed a bolt of force lightning that blasted through Krayt and enveloped Luke's entire being
"He tried to continue the motion and bring it up to deliver a blast of Force energy, but Abeloth had already launched her own attack by then, delivering a bolt of Force lightning that blasted straight through the stranger into Luke. He felt himself fly backward, consumed by pain, his entire being a column of blue, crackling Force flame."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth foresaw not only the Jedi attack, but their entire strategy as well.
"When he had tried to trick her into playing into Admiral Bwua'tu's hands by suggesting that the Sith withdraw into the Temple, she had used her strange Force powers to anticipate the Jedi battle plan and arrange a devastating ambush."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth, in her Lady Korelei avatar, foresaw every attempt Luke and his allies made to escape her.
"But if we blow the generator early," Jaina insisted, "every gunner on this side of the Temple will be taking aim up the assault corridor!" "Jaina, they are now." Corran's voice was gruff and impatient, a sign that he was in such bad shape himself that he didn't seem to recognize what was happening to Jaina. "When have we done anything to surprise that she-voork chasing us?" "We haven't." Luke watched Korelei pause in the duct. Perhaps sensing the blaster in his hand, she waved several of her followers ahead of her."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth could foresee surprise attacks.
"It doesn't matter, because it wouldn't work," Dorvan said, interrupting. "Abeloth would see it coming." Nek Bwua'tu turned in his seat to face Dorvan. "I don't see how, Wynn," he said. "I can have a baradium barrage on the Temple in sixty seconds." "And if you did, she would have seen it coming and already be gone." Dorvan glanced over at the puzzled faces flanking him, then seemed to realize the source of his problem. "You do realize she can look into the future, right?"-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Physical Capabilities
Abeloth easily tanked a lightsaber strike to the shoulder.
"Vestara was still struggling to comprehend what she was seeing when Ahri sprang up in front of her, his lightsaber flashing at the woman's shoulder. There came the distinctive sizzle of a superheated blade slashing through flesh and bone, then the acrid tang of scorched flesh."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth took a kick from Luke like a durasteel wall.
"Luke was already on Abeloth, launching a vicious thrust kick. She took it like a durasteel wall, then her arm flew up to rake at his eyes."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth survived losing an arm and a leg and being thrown in a pit of lava.
"He had no time to be astonished, barely even the nanosecond required to realize Abeloth had survived her fall into the cleft. He merely felt his feet shoot away and found himself dropping face-first. Luke tucked his chin and managed to flip to his back before he hit the stone floor. Abeloth was on top of him, her flesh blistered and smoking, her remaining leg entwining both of his, her remaining arm wrapped around the back of his neck. She drove the still-sizzling stump of her amputated arm into his throat, catching him square in the voice box and pressing hard."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth maintained one of her Avatar bodies, even though Luke was slashing it with a lightsaber and it was burning because of the magma.
"He slipped his deactivated lightsaber between their bodies and jammed the blade emitter against her stomach. He thumbed the activation slide and sawthe blade shoot out the other side. Still Abeloth held on, clinging to him like a self-tightening cargo cable. It seemed impossible to shake her, and Luke knew that he had to. To fail was to die, and take Ben with him. He reached out with the Force, grabbing for anything that might help him, anything to give him a second or a centimeter to counterattack. Half a dozen loose cushions rose from the seating tiers and bounced harmlessly past. He continued to reach, felt something heavy and liquid rising from the stage floor, and a glob of molten heat arced onto them, splashing across Abeloth’s back and spattering off the floor, driving tiny pinpricks of anguish into Luke’s arm and face where it hit him. A hundred-voiced wail erupted from Abeloth’s mouth, shrill and loud and inhuman. Plumes of greasy smoke shot from her back, and the smell of charred flesh grew sickening in the air. The heat of the magma burned through Abeloth’s body to sear him, and he heard organs sizzling inside her chest. Any normal being would have been dead by now. But Abeloth seemed to live in the Force as much as she did in a physical body, and now she was using the Force to animate a body that should have been in its death throes."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth wasn't even affected by Luke impaling her and tearing a chasm through her torso with his lightsaber.
"Her free arm rose between them, pushing off to create some space. Then she twisted away, hurling him into the duct wall and sliding off his lightsaber sideways. The act opened a gaping chasm in her torso. The wound did not even slow her down."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth completely tanked several blasterbolts.
"Luke opened fire with his blaster, managing to burn several bolts into the Korelei-thing even at a distance of over thirty meters. Of course, they barely slowed her down. Luke had to stop the Korelei-thing-he could not bring himself to even think her true name-or the Jedi's last hope of breaching the Temple would be lost. He opened himself to the Force completely, and the energy came flooding in so fast it seemed to lift him, to carry him down the duct on a raging river of power. When he began to gain on his quarry, he fired again, this time pouring so many bolts into her legs that one actually erupted in flame.  And it made no difference."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth tanked a blasterbolt to the face.
"Luke switched to fire at his quarry's head. A bolt caught the Korelei-thing just behind the ear and went blasting out the other side, carrying with it a spray of bone and brain. The Korelei-thing stumbled."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth survived ripping herself open on Tahiri's lightsaber blade.
[i]"Then Abeloth twisted away, ripping herself open on Tahiri's lightsaber blade, and was gone."
-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth tanked as much blasterfire as Boba Fett could pour into her, barely flinching.
"Fett was in front of the two scientists, crouching behind the large lab table that filled the middle of the room, firing everything he had at Abeloth. The blasterfire she simply took, her wounded body barely flinching as bolt after bolt burned through."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth tanked a blaster cannon shot.
"The blastboats decelerated as expected, and both nose gunners began to pour blasterfire directly at Abeloth. She ignored the attacks until a bolt that should have blown off her right shoulder merely spun her around, tearing her gaze from the Galactic Justice Center-and redirecting it toward her attackers."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth tanked a blast of force lightning from a Font of Power Amped Vestara, that would've annihilated a tank.
"Even knowing what the woman was, Ben could barely believe his eyes. Vestara had hit her with a bolt of Force lightning powerful enough to take out a Canderous-class hovertank. Still, the avatar had returned to her feet the instant Vestara had been carried too far away from the Font of Power to continue drawing on its power."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth tanked a blast of telekinetic energy from Ben Skywalker in a state of Oneness, that could've knocked a frigate out of orbit.
"Ben opened himself to the Force completely, shielding himself from the Font of Power's darkness by drawing its energies through the power of all he loved in the galaxy, through his faith in the Jedi purpose and the promise of the future-through his confidence in Vestara and the sure knowledge that she would soon join him in the ranks of the Jedi Knights. The Force came pouring into Ben from all sides, irresistible and pure, a flood of light and purpose that no being in the galaxy could deny. He felt himself become the Force, a swirl of power and energy, and he focused all that he was on the approaching Keshiri, hitting her with a Force blast that would have knocked a frigate out of orbit.  The blast caught the avatar square in the chest and rocked her shoulders back at least a couple of centimeters. She paused almost noticeably before she took her next step."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth almost crushed Luke's throat.
"She drove the still-sizzling stump of her amputated arm into his throat, catching him square in the voice box and pressing hard. The cartilage began to give. He pushed back with the Force, reinforcing his larynx and trying to throw her off. It was no good. Abeloth had a dozen times the Force strength Luke had, and he could do no more than keep her from crushing his throat."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth slammed a Luke in Oneness to the ground.
"But the light side rushed in, flowing in from all sides, pouring through him like fire. A golden glow began to rise from his skin— cells literally bursting with the power of the Force—and Luke felt them both start upward again. Abeloth countered, hissing in anger, and they hovered a hand span above the floor. A tremendous crack echoed down from the vaulted ceiling. They dropped again, hitting so hard that Luke’s breath left in a groan. Abeloth slammed down atop him, her single leg still wrapped around his, the stump of her arm driving harder into his throat. Something crunched in his larynx. His breath came in shallow, wheezy gasps, and the crushing hand of panic began to clench at his heart."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth ensnared and trapped Luke in her tentacles.
"Then Abeloth was on his back, her tentacles twined about his neck and limbs almost before he felt them. She pulled hard, bending back his limbs until his elbows ached, prying the lightsaber from his hand and squeezing his already injured throat until his vision began to narrow."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth sent Vestara flying across the room by punching her with a single tentacle.
"In the next instant, the girl went cartwheeling across the room. The blow had been so quick that Luke did not even realize Vestara had been struck until Abeloth’s tentacle retracted and began to twine itself around his forearm."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth in her Korelei avatar kicked Luke hard enough to send him flying.
"She merely swung her lightsaber down to block Luke's slash, then planted a stomp kick square in his chest and sent him sailing down the duct backward. Luke came down five meters away, a crushing pain in his chest. He struggled to draw breath."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth hurled Luke into a wall.
"Her free arm rose between them, pushing off to create some space. Then she twisted away, hurling him into the duct wall and sliding off his lightsaber sideways."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth struck Vestara so quickly that Luke didn't even see it happen.
"The blow had been so quick that Luke did not even realize Vestara had been struck until Abeloth’s tentacle retracted and began to twine itself around his forearm."-FOTJ: Vortex

Abeloth could process tons of information at lightspeed.
"The images flashed in Abeloth’s mind at lightspeed, of peaceful protests, one single strike in the night on the seat of power that resulted in only a few dozen casualties, a new government that forbade retaliation against the Minyavish even as it joyfully celebrated the dream of freedom."-FOTJ: Conviction

Abeloth caught a Shikkar flying towards Wynn Dorvan with one of her tentacles.
"Korelei's expression did not darken, nor did she hiss a curse or telegraph her attack by stepping toward Wynn. Her shikkar simply slipped from its sheath and sailed toward his belly in a glassy gleam so fast he barely had time to go cold inside. But one of the Beloved Queen's tentacles was already curling through the air in front of him, and in the next instant Wynn was not crying out in anguish, or gasping for breath-he was, in fact, still standing on his own two feet, not even bleeding and hardly even shaking."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth moved faster than Ben could see.
"Abeloth's left arm came up so fast that Ben did not even see it move."-FOTJ: Apocalypse

Abeloth's willpower was beyond what Vestara could imagine.
"But there was something defeated and lost in Ship's spirit, like an uvak with severed wing tendons. He was...   afraid, crushed beneath a will strong beyond Vestara's ability to imagine. To obey her was to defy it, a power that had reached across space and time to summon Ship for no other reason than it was lonely. Vestara could see how hopeless it was to think she had the strength of will to break the grasp of such a being."-FOTJ: Abyss

Abeloth's willpower is much greater than Jaina Solo's or Vestara Khai's.
"I am programmed to obey a strong will. The girl is strong, you are stronger, Sword of the Jedi, but neither of you can break the hold she has on me."-FOTJ: Allies
High King Droogie

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Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread Empty Re: Ones Of Mortis Respect Thread

Post by Emperordmb Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:30 am

Abeloth slaughtered several Sith Sabers while severely weakened.
"The echoes of blasterfire were being replaced by the distinctive crackle of Force lightning, a counterpoint to the constant drone and snap of distant lightsabers. The Sith had reached Abeloth. She was no longer screaming. But others were, as Abeloth slew Sith."-FOTJ: Conviction

Abeloth stripped a Sith of her powers and transformed her into a force bomb.
“Please,” grunted the woman. “She took away my powers. She left me here to die …” Tears formed and slipped down her cheeks, making tracks in the dust that paled her face. “Who are you?” Luke demanded. “T-tola Annax,” the Keshiri woman said. “I served under Gavar Khai. I got his command when he died, but Abeloth decided she didn’t need me anymore.” “Where is she?” “I don’t know,” the woman cried. “Please …” A sliver of darkness appeared along her skin. For a second, Luke simply thought it another track of her tears, revealing darker skin beneath the white dust. But then he realized what it was. They couldn’t help Tola Annax anymore. She was already dead. The crack widened, and more darkness was revealed—darkness that was luminous, pulsating. Abeloth had somehow managed to harness all, or close to all, the dark-side energy that permeated this world, and compress it into this one pitiable being. What had once been Tola Annax now contained unfathomable dark-side energy waiting to be released. It had been both a trick and a test. Had they attacked her, leaping into the pit and slicing her to ribbons with lightsabers, they would have been at the center of the explosion. No one would have survived—and they might yet not survive."-FOTJ: Ascension

Abeloth killed Grand Lord Vol
"She held up Lord Vol’s head. The Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe had died in terror, or torment—perhaps both—it would seem, if the wide, staring eyes and gaping mouth were any indication. Unable to help himself, Workan recoiled in horror. Raw, pure terror shot through him."-FOTJ: Ascension[/i]
High King Droogie

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Join date : 2014-08-31
Age : 26
Location : Mortis

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